Tuesday, September 26, 2006

September 23 ~ 24th 2006

September 23 – 24th 2006 ~ This weekend was a weekend of completing work already started. The results are not very obvious but it is all the details that need to be done. The garage is fully sealed (weather tight). The guys (Jr. and Sr.) worked hard at installing the right roof side with plywood and then the black tar paper (I think that is what it’s called). The overhangs (sofits, I think).

As you can see in the photos it is really coming along now. It looks so different when you drive into the property. There is a structure that “looks” complete. The garage door frames are so cool. Of course I helped pick the design, so they must be cool! lol I have to say look at the photo with the upward view it is surely a high wire act to stay balanced and not fall. In the first photo that is Kenny walking from the kitchen area into the mud room and then into the garage, see the peak of the garage?

In the final photo see the turkey just running around I guess it is fall and almost Thanksgiving! Keith where is the bow? I think this could be dinner ~ any takers?

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

September 16-18
Here are more photos from the weekend’s work. As you can see Amanda and I did supervise the garage Trusses being installed. It was great fun until Amanda fell asleep and took her nap while Daddy ran the big blue fork lift right near her. Mommy didn’t like that she had a “power-nap” at the site and not a nice long nap at home. Alas this is what we have to deal with as parents and builders.

As you can see once the trusses were in it looked rather cool. The photo is a view from the floor of the garage looking up. There was a lot of work put into this garage. It is interesting to see the progress of this project. Kenny is working like heck and yet wouldn’t think of letting anyone else do the work for him.

The goal is to have the garage completely watertight this weekend. At least that is what I think the goal is. Once the garage is closed in and weather proof (except for the windows will not be in) then the guys can start using the garage as a work area. There are a ton of custom cuts that need to be done in order to get the second floor on to the house and then the roof.

The weather has turned far chillier and the impending winter is upon us. There is a huge amount of work to be done between now and then. How and if this can get closed in before the “real” winter hits is yet to be seen. Anyone interested in putting in a long hard day with the guys please give us a call. I will feed you, make sure you have drinks but other then that it is all work.

Monday, September 18, 2006

This weekend, Sept 16th and 17th was one of the most obviously productive weekends on the site to date. What I mean is the results from this weekends word is readily seen. As of Friday there was 3 of the 4 walls for the garage framed. Now, September 18th we have all 4 walls, all 13 trusses (where did they get that term?) and the plywood roof installed. As you drive onto the site now you see the peak of the garage with it’s tree-like flag flying the front face of the garage is fully framed and has the 1st plywood (I don’t know the “real” term for that wood) on it’s face. It is actually a garage. I know this may sound simple to everyone but to me this is major. We have a room that is covered. Know of course that we need to still put the roofing materials on it to make it water-proof but it is a huge deal!

Know to explain the weekend, Robbie Jacob; Kenny’s cousin came down from Connecticut to help out. He arrived very early Saturday morning and stayed the weekend. They got to the building site about 8 AM and started working. Nick Talmo, friend to both Jr. and Sr. (in fact he works at the Shop) was there all day also. It was great! Then Keith Conover, Kenny’s brother-in-law, arrived around lunch time. So with all 5 of them banging away they installed all of the trusses (13 I think) in one day. No small feat let me tell you! Prior to the Trusses going up the guys earlier in the day had framed out the interior wall of the garage that goes into the mud room.

The photos in this entry will be only from September 16th as I still have to download the photos from Sunday.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Project Through Time

Out of all the pictures I've take, I noticed I had taken a lot of pictures from the same angle. This link goes to a slide show of pictures taken since March 2006 from the driveway, i.e. the front right of the house as you face it.


I'll keep updating the slide show as the house gets built.

Monday, September 11, 2006

What the House Will Look Like

So this is my first post and my attempt to post the plans for the house.

This first image is what the house will look like from the front and back (The front and rear elevations for you architecture types.)

Click on the Picture for a larger view

This is the view from the right (garage) and left (neighbors):

Click on the Picture for a larger view

This is the Floor Plan for the First Floor. The Great Room and the Sunroom, as well as the Entrance Hall have cathedral ceilings. All the rooms along the back of the house will have the awesome view down the hill. The deck will actually wrap all the way around the back of the house.

Click on the Picture for a larger view

This is the Floor Plan for the Second Floor. A bridge connects the two sides across the cathedral ceiling. Kenny and Monica get some much needed privacy after permanently scarring Jeff while he lived at Brunswick Pike. The office will be Princess Amanda's room to start (I believe) but don't tell the Township!

Click on the Picture for a larger view

Alright now, this is the weekend of September 9-10, 2006, Keith is out there with Sr and Jr. for both Saturday and Sunday. They are framing out the garage. The idea here is to get a covered area to do the many many, many did I mention many log cuts that require hand cutting yeah did I mention many cuts. With the battle against the feisty Mother Nature having a water-proof cover will become increasingly important. So the decision was made to get the two car garage up and closed in so they could actually be comfortable to work in all weather. As if they stop now with the wind, rain, lightning ~ I guess falling pretty colored leaves can be rather frightening to manly men these days. He, he! Anyway, I feel better knowing that they will have some protection from the elements now. As we all know My Kenny likes to be unencumbered by coats, gloves and proper attire when working out there. So at least we have a shot at keeping him healthy. As you can see in one weekend with three guys they framed all but the Mud room (there I am again capping the Mud room) wall. I love those garage doors opening. Kenny got the large sized doors so I wouldn't hit them. Stop taking bets now I will not hit the sides of the walls I can do this, I mean it stop it!

As you can see in that first photo Amanda did make her appearance just long enough to have her photo shoot on Sunday and away we went.

Enjoy the photos!

Well ladies and gents it has been a while since I updated the site, sorry. Life has been busy you know. Amanda turned one and there was that Enchanted Princess Birthday Party and all. But now back to business. This blog actually is about activities that took place the weekend of September 2-4th, Labor Day weekend. Not the best weekend, the guy only had two good days to work after we had what seemed like several weeks of rain and not such great weather but the men have been trekking along. as you can see in these photos they got the Mud room walls up. Notice that the wall that separates the kitchen from the Mud room (I like capitalizing the Mud room for some reason, oh well) is actually solid log. This is the only interior wall that is solid log. That means that there is an interior wall surface that has the same feel as the exterior logs. Pretty cool Hugh? I think so! And I hope you do too! The laundry area is rear facing in the Mud room and the potty is towards the front of the house. Standing in the house now makes it feel real. Everyone really should come out and take a peek! Another photo here is of Sr going from the Dining room doorway into the Mud room (Prior to the rear facing wall being completed) Fancy footwork for a young~ish guy don't you think! I'm here to tell you, it's a lot further of a drop then it looks! Fancy footwork indeed! Also Notice the "Amanda" door! (Shown here with Kenny bending over to walk through it) this door is going to be an arched doorway so now the rest of it has to be hand cut (again ~ what fun).

Fiddly Dee, I'll worry about that Tomorrow! (Who said that in gone with the wind ~ anyone?)