Wednesday, September 20, 2006

September 16-18
Here are more photos from the weekend’s work. As you can see Amanda and I did supervise the garage Trusses being installed. It was great fun until Amanda fell asleep and took her nap while Daddy ran the big blue fork lift right near her. Mommy didn’t like that she had a “power-nap” at the site and not a nice long nap at home. Alas this is what we have to deal with as parents and builders.

As you can see once the trusses were in it looked rather cool. The photo is a view from the floor of the garage looking up. There was a lot of work put into this garage. It is interesting to see the progress of this project. Kenny is working like heck and yet wouldn’t think of letting anyone else do the work for him.

The goal is to have the garage completely watertight this weekend. At least that is what I think the goal is. Once the garage is closed in and weather proof (except for the windows will not be in) then the guys can start using the garage as a work area. There are a ton of custom cuts that need to be done in order to get the second floor on to the house and then the roof.

The weather has turned far chillier and the impending winter is upon us. There is a huge amount of work to be done between now and then. How and if this can get closed in before the “real” winter hits is yet to be seen. Anyone interested in putting in a long hard day with the guys please give us a call. I will feed you, make sure you have drinks but other then that it is all work.

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