Wednesday, October 18, 2006

October 14 ~ 15th

Well ladies and gents, we have walls on the first floor. Yup all the rooms that are to be divided are divided. The sunroom is separate from the Ryan's/Guest bedroom and Ryan's/Guest bathroom is separate from the bedroom.

This was full weekend of framing out these walls. Now the cool thing is you can actually see how the house is really going to look with each room unto itself. Incredible. Great job to all three guys ~ Kenny Sr., Kenny Jr, and Mark.

The photos here reflect the wall raising of the final wall between the bedroom and bathroom. I call it Ryan's/Guest area as Ryan will move into this bedroom until the additional bedrooms are built in the basement. NO I am not going to chain him into his bed, just around his ankle, he will be able to get to areas other then his bed. He he, jsut kidding. It seems a bit barbarick to intentionally build rooms in the basement as living quarters for one's children but what the heck he will have his privacy and we will have ours. Amanda will remain with us in the Master suite until she is at least what, 23? Just kidding again. I don't know when I will be comforatable with her being that far from me at night but I suppose it will happen. Okay I am not going to think about that now.

Also in this weekend they managed to raise the walls and put another 5 exposed beams into place. now 2/3 of the exposed beams are in place. I can't express how much work goes into this part of the house but here you will see the arial shot of the kitchen/dinning room. It is incredible, nothing short of Amazing.

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